We have used biotechnology to manufacture food products for more than 8,000 years. Bread, alcoholic beverages, vinegar, cheese and yogurt, and many other foods owe their existence to enzymes found in various microorganisms. Today's biotechnology will continue to affect the food industry by providing new products, lowering costs and improving the microbial processes on which food producers have long relied.
Many of these impacts will improve the quality, nutritional value and safety of the crop plants and animal products that are the basis of the food industry. In addition, biotechnology offers many ways to improve the processing of those raw materials into final products: natural flavors and colors; new production aids, such as enzymes and emulsifiers; improved starter cultures; more waste treatment options; "greener" manufacturing processes; more options for assessing food safety during the process; and even biodegradable plastic wrap that kills bacteria.
Improving the Raw Materials
The first generation of transgenic crops primarily benefited farmers. Although there are consumer benefits in growing these crops, the benefits are largely invisible to consumers. For example, studies have shown that because insect-resistant corn (Bt corn) sustains relatively little insect damage, fungi and molds cannot infect those plants as easily as non-insect-resistant crops. Therefore, the level of toxins, such as aflatoxin, produced by these pathogens, some of which are fatal to livestock, is much lower in Bt corn than non-Bt corn.
The benefits of the next wave of biotechnology crops will be more obvious to consumers. Some of those benefits will involve improvements in food quality and safety, while others will provide consumers with foods designed specifically to be healthier and more nutritious.
A variety of healthier cooking oils derived from biotechnology are already on the market. Using biotechnology, plant scientists have decreased the total amount of saturated fatty acids in certain vegetable oils. They have also increased the conversion of linoleic acid to the fatty acid found mainly in fish that is associated with lowering cholesterol levels.
Another nutritional concern related to edible oils is the negative health effects produced when vegetable oils are hydrogenated to increase their heat stability for cooking or to solidify oils used in making margarine. The hydrogenation process results in the formation of trans-fatty acids.
Biotechnology companies have given soybean oil these same properties, not through hydrogenation, but by using biotechnology to increase the amount of the naturally occurring fatty acid, stearic acid.
Animal scientists are also using biotechnology to create healthier meat products, such as beef with lower fat content and pigs with a higher meat-to-fat ratio.
Other health and nutritional benefits of crops improved through biotechnology include increased nutritional value of crops, especially those that are food staples in developing countries. Scientists at
Biotechnology also promises to improve the health benefits of functional foods. Functional foods are foods containing significant levels of biologically active components that impart health benefits beyond our basic needs for sufficient calories, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Familiar examples of functional foods include compounds in garlic and onions that lower cholesterol and improve the immune response; antioxidants found in green tea; and the glucosinolates in broccoli and cabbage that stimulate anticancer enzymes.
We are using biotechnology to increase the production of these compounds in functional foods. For example, researchers at
We are also using biotechnology to change the characteristics of the raw material inputs so that they are more attractive to consumers and more amenable to processing. Biotechnology researchers are increasing the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables; improving the crispness of carrots, peppers and celery; creating seedless varieties of grapes and melons; extending the seasonal geographic availability of tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries; improving the flavor of tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, peas and potatoes; and creating caffeine-free coffee and tea.
Japanese scientists have now identified the enzyme that produces the chemical that makes us cry when we slice an onion. Knowing the identity of the enzyme is the first step in finding a way to block the gene to create "tearless" onions.
Much of the work on improving how well crops endure food processing involves changing the ratio of water to starch. Potatoes with higher starch content are healthier because they absorb less oil when they are fried, for example. Another important benefit is that starchier potatoes require less energy to process and therefore cost less to handle. Many tomato processors now use tomatoes derived from a biotechnology technique, somaclonal variant selection. The new tomatoes, used in soup, ketchup and tomato paste, contain 30 percent less water and are processed with greater efficiency. A 1?2 percent increase in the solid content is worth $35 million to the
Another food processing sector that will benefit economically from better quality raw materials is the dairy products industry. Scientists in
Biotechnology also allows the economically viable production of valuable, naturally occurring compounds that cannot be manufactured by other means. For example, commercial-scale production of the natural and highly marketable sweetener known as fructans has long eluded food-processing engineers. Fructans, which are short chains of the sugar molecule fructose, taste like sugar but have no calories. Scientists found a gene that converts 90 percent of the sugar found in beets to fructans. Because 40 percent of the transgenic beet dry weight is fructans, this crop can serve as a manufacturing facility for fructans.
The most significant food-safety issue food producers face is microbial contamination, which can occur at any point from farm to table. Any biotechnology product that decreases microbes found on animal products and crop plants will significantly improve the safety of raw materials entering the food supply. Improved food safety through decreased microbial contamination begins on the farm. Transgenic disease-resistant and insect-resistant crops have less microbial contamination. New biotechnology diagnostics, similar to those described in the chapter on medical applications of biotechnology, detect microbial diseases earlier and more accurately, so farmers can identify and remove diseased plants and animals before others become contaminated.
Biotechnology is improving the safety of raw materials by helping food scientists discover the exact identity of the allergenic protein in foods such as peanuts, soybeans and milk, so they can then remove them. Although 95 percent of food allergies can be traced to a group of eight foods, in most cases we do not know which of the thousands of proteins in a food triggered the reaction. With biotechnology techniques, we are making great progress in identifying these allergens. More importantly, scientists have succeeded in using biotechnology to block or remove allergenicity genes in peanuts, soybeans and shrimp.
Finally, biotechnology is helping us improve the safety of raw agricultural products by decreasing the amount of natural plant toxins found in foods such as potato and cassava.
Food Processing
Microorganisms have been essential to the food-processing industry for decades. They play a role in the production of the fermented foods listed in Table 1. They also serve as a rich source of food additives, enzymes and other substances used in food processing.
Because of the importance of fermented foods to so many cultures, scientists are conducting a lot of work to improve the microorganisms that carry out food fermentations. The bacterium responsible for many of our fermented dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, is susceptible to infection by a virus that causes substantial economic losses to the food industry. Through recombinant technology, researchers have made some strains of this bacterium and other important fermentors resistant to viral infection.
We have known for years that some bacteria used in food fermentation produce compounds that kill other, contaminating bacteria that cause food poisoning and food spoilage. Using biotechnology we are equipping many of our microbial fermentors with this self-defense mechanism to decrease microbial contamination of fermented foods.
Microorganisms have been essential to the food industry not only for their importance as fermentors, but also because they are the source of many of the additives and processing aids used in food processing. Biotechnology advances will enhance their value to the food industry even further.
Food additives are substances used to increase nutritional value, retard spoilage, change consistency and enhance flavor. The compounds food processors use as food additives are substances nature has provided and are usually of plant or microbial origin, such as xanthan gum and guar gum, which are produced by microbes. Many of the amino acid supplements, flavors, flavor enhancers and vitamins added to breakfast cereals are produced by microbial fermentation. Through biotechnology, food processors will be able to produce many compounds that could serve as food additives but that now are in scant supply or that are found in microorganisms or plants difficult to maintain in fermentation systems.
Food processors use plant starch as a thickener and fat substitute in low-fat products. Currently, the starch is extracted from plants and modified using chemicals or energy-consuming mechanical processes. Scientists are using biotechnology to change the starch in crop plants so that it no longer requires special handling before it can be used.
Enzymes produced by microbial fermentation play essential roles as processing aids in the food industry. The first commercial food product produced by biotechnology was an enzyme used in cheese making. Prior to biotech techniques, this enzyme had to be extracted from the stomach of calves, lambs and baby goats, but it is now produced by microorganisms that were given the gene for this enzyme.
The production of high-fructose corn syrup from cornstarch requires three enzymes, and those same enzymes are important in making baked goods and beer. Other enzymes are essential to the production of fruit juices, candies with soft centers, and cheeses. The food industry uses more than 55 different enzyme products in food processing. This number will increase as we discover how to capitalize on the extraordinary diversity of the microbial world and obtain new enzymes that will prove important in food processing.
Food Safety Testing
In addition to the many ways biotechnology is helping us enhance the safety of the food supply, biotechnology is providing us with many tools to detect microorganisms and the toxins they produce. Monoclonal antibody tests, biosensors, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods and DNA probes are being developed that will be used to determine the presence of harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning and food spoilage, such as Listeria and Clostridium botulinum.
We can now distinguish E. coli 0157:H7, the strain of E. coli responsible for several deaths in recent years, from the many other harmless E. coli strains. These tests are portable, quicker and more sensitive to low levels of microbial contamination than previous tests because of the increased specificity of molecular technique. For example, the new diagnostic tests for Salmonella yield results in 36 hours, compared with the three or four days the older detection methods required.
Biotechnology-based diagnostics have also been developed that allow us to detect toxins, such as aflatoxin, produced by fungi and molds that grow on crops, and to determine whether food products have inadvertently been contaminated with peanuts, a potent allergen.
Original Article from http://www.bio.org/speeches/pubs/er/food.asp
TABLE 1 | ||
beer | distilled liquors | tamari |
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